Wednesday, March 9, 2016



Well I guess I'll start off this letter by saying that T. was not baptized on Saturday. I have no idea why, but here is the story behind it. On Tuesday, We had the Conrad elders drive all the way up to browning since we were planning on working there after T. baptismal interview. Keep in mind that is an hour and a half drive from Conrad to Browning one way. So we went over to the church (which is where we told her we were going to have the interview) but when we showed up, there was nobody there. So we waited and waited. Finally we decided that we were going to go over to her house to see if she was there and if she forgot about the interview. But when we went over to her house, she was not there. Her father said that the truck was not there (which was quite obvious). But we figured that she might be with her boyfriend. So we called him and somebody else answered the phone and said that he forgot his phone. So we went over to brother M. home to see if they were there. But he nor she was not there either. It was starting to get frustrating. So we went back to the church and we got onto Facebook and tried to find her and send her a message via Facebook. We knew that she had a phone and we figured that she probably had the Facebook app and she would get a notification on her phone about the message. But we still have not got a reply to this day. We can see that she has not even looked at it either. So she basically dropped off the face of the earth. I'm not sure why though, we have been meeting with her every Tuesday and Friday for the past two weeks without missing an appointment, but when she has a baptismal interview scheduled, she is nowhere to be found?!? She knows she is ready because she said it. So we have no idea why. We have tried to contact her everytime we go to Browning now. But we still have not been able to meet with her. So this is a little wild goose chase. So Conrad drove up for no reason basically. Then they asked if they could hitch a ride to the zone training in great falls last Friday since they didn't have any more miles for the month. 

Zone training was really good. Near the end they said, "alright we are going to have a closing testimony by..... Elder so-and-so" And I thought it was going to be me because this is my last transfer and I have never heard of a closing testimony in a zone meeting unless someone is going home. but I didn't have to give my testimony. But I will have to give it in front of half the mission at zone conference in Helena in March. 

I am kinda jumping around what we did during the week but another thing we did was we made that super spicy 3-meat wrap that elder Wilson loved to make a lot when I was with him. It is super easy to make and it messes with your bowls for the next few days. It's super good tasting, but your body will pay for it later. 

We also hit a mile marker in our car (pun intended, see picture see if you can get it.) 

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