Wednesday, March 9, 2016

March 7 2016

Hey!This week was fairly stressful. To start off we went to Browning to try and meet with T again To set another baptismal interview date with her. Luckily she was home and we were able to set the date with her for the next Friday (which was last Friday). The rest of Tuesday was pretty slow, we tried to see many investigators and lots of less active members, but nobody was home or we couldn't find the house because in Browning there are no street signs so you don't know what street you are on and the address that we have are not regular addresses, they are coordinates. So that doesn't really help at all luckily our i Pads can give directions to coordinates! It was also elder Erickson's birthday on Tuesday so we had cake with them. Wednesday was slow. We had district meeting in the morning and we also went to see sister King in the afternoon since we have not been over there in a while Thursday was dreadfully slow because we tried to stay as focused as much as we could during our weekly planning. But I got sooooooo bored,but we got it done. Also the branch presidency made a plan to feed us more because we have not been getting fed by the members. So we are doing every Thursday, somebody is going to be assigned to feed us that day if nobody volunteers. They are going to start with the branch presidency first and then open it up to the members after. So this last Thursday we had dinner with the branch president. It was a good dinner but the main point of them doing the assigned dinners is to get the members to have us in their home and we can get to know them as well as they get to know us. Then we share one of the lessons that we teach so they know what we teach, so they can share that message with their friends and the members can me more missionary minded. One thing that I have noticed on my mission is that when the members of the ward/branch are not missionary minded, then the work for the missionaries is slow and it sucks. But when the members are missionary minded, then the work is amazing and the area progresses and there are baptisms. On Friday we had Conrad come again and give T. her baptismal interview. But when we showed up to the church in Browning, we waited for a little bit and she still didn't show up. The first thought that came into my head when she did not show up was, "great! She didn't show up again." So we left the church and went over to her house and we tried to see if she forgot again. But when we got there they,meaning her and her boyfriend, we already heading out to go to the church for her interview. So the interview ended up happening and she passed so now this Saturday is going to be the baptism. We got everything figured out on Sunday when she came to church. But I've also noticed that the week of the baptism, whenever you have one, is always super hectic. You are running around trying to get every thing ready and set and we are still doing that right now but we hope to get everything set in stone when we go to Browning tomorrow. That at was my crazy week. Have a good week as well.

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